Chiropractors are specially trained and educated to work with neck and shoulder problems. They are well educated in working with the musculoskeletal system in the body. This system includes the muscles, bones and associated soft tissue, like cartilage. Neck and shoulder problems often involve these areas.Chiropractors will perform a detailed evaluation to determine the cause of the problem. This will include asking questions to the patient to help determine the cause and extent of the problem. Understanding how the injury occurred can help to make a proper diagnosis. This will be followed with a detailed exam.When performing this exam, the chiropractor will check the range of motion of the joints. This involves bending and turning the head to determine if there is abnormal motion in the neck or cervical spine. If the shoulder is involved they will move the arm through different ranges of motion to determine if there is abnormal motion in the shoulder. Specific orthopedic and neurological tests are performed on the areas of complaint to determine what parts of the body have been injured.The doctor will often take X-rays of the injured area. X-rays are helpful to reveal misaligned bones which often cause neck and shoulder pain. X-rays can reveal narrowing of space between two spinal bones. Narrowing of disc space is often correlated with disc problems or a pinched nerve. X-rays may also reveal problems such as arthritis or spinal degeneration, tumors and narrowing of the spinal canal where the spinal cord is. Fractures and instability of the spine may also be seen on X-ray.Sometimes the chiropractor may need to refer the patient to have an MRI or CT scan. MRI’s are an excellent imaging tool to provide a detailed view of soft tissue that is not seen on X-ray. For example this is helpful to get a view of injured tendons or ligaments with a shoulder injury. It may also provide a view of injured discs in the neck or cervical spine. MRI’s can provide a good view of nerve elements like a pinched nerve. Nerve conduction velocity tests are sometimes used to help diagnose neck and shoulder problems where nerve irritation is suspected.How is neck and shoulder pain treated? Traditional medical treatment often involves the use of anti-inflammatory medication such as Motrin or Tylenol. Muscle relaxers may also be prescribed to help the muscles involved. Sometimes a local corticosteroid injection may be recommended for arthritis or joint problems of the shoulder. At times, surgery may be recommended.While medication can help to relieve pain, it is important to understand that it often only masks the symptoms and doesn’t correct the underlying problem. With long term use of medication there is often adverse side effects.Chiropractic should be considered as a primary care method for neck and shoulder problems. Chiropractic is natural and safe. It focuses on correcting the cause of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms. Neck and shoulder problems often involve misaligned joints. In neck problems, it is common for the bones of the neck to become misaligned. This often causes the nerves to become pinched which exit the spine. Muscles and ligaments may also become involved as they are stretched with the misplaced bones.Chiropractors are specially trained to correct the misaligned bones. This also helps to remove pressure off the pinched nerve and restore normal function. Chiropractors also perform physiotherapy modalities to help speed up healing of injured muscles and soft tissue. They may also recommend heat or ice be applied to the injured area. They can also give instruction for specific exercises to help strengthen and heal the neck and shoulders.
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The Lifestyle and Its Research
Lifestyle research stands at the boundary between a number of traditional academic disciplines, developing expertise from sociology and the social sciences in areas as distinct as business, retailing, marketing, understanding of consumers, and health and social care. The very diversity of fields and disciplines with an interest in lifestyle research creates complexity in an already dynamic and fast-changing area of research. Multifaceted approaches are used, alongside a variety of academic and business conventions, but typically, lifestyle research focuses on subgroups within the general population defined by age, occupation, religion, sexuality, medical conditions, or behaviors.In terms of business research, this market segmentation of the consumer market is a key use for lifestyle research. As the importance of the consumer in determining the success of business operations has become increasingly clear to businesses, so the importance of lifestyle-based market segmentation has increased and the importance of ongoing cultural change has been recognized. Ongoing social and cultural change, both in purchasing dynamics, in related group behavior, and in lifestyle decision making are illuminated by lifestyle research but also act as a key source of information for strategic planning within business and for the ongoing development of successful corporate strategy.The links between lifestyle research and the development of successful marketing strategies are currently being discussed within the academic literature, both from a management perspective and from a social science perspective. The development of an increasing understanding of the diverse research that contributes to this area of study is key to the ongoing development of successful and strategic business development. Typically, research in this area is grounded first in the concept of lifestyle and relates this to various aspects of an individual or group lifestyle. Key themes that may influence lifestyle include activities/behavior, values and attitudes, individuals versus groups, group interaction, coherence, recognizability, and choice.Within this definition, lifestyle research may focus either upon the implications of belonging to a certain group or upon the implications of certain lifestyles, including areas such as the role of lifestyle in the management of clinical conditions or the impact of a voluntarily adopted lifestyle on other areas of an individual’s life. In business terms, lifestyle research is used both to classify consumers in terms of patterns of behavior, purchasing, etc., and as a way of looking at lifestyle as a key factor in the generation of new products, services, etc. One important distinction lies between research that attempts to identify causal relationships between a lifestyle and the development of certain patterns of health and behavior and an alternative pattern of lifestyle research that evaluates the impact of lifestyle changes.Both have considerable implications for business, being directly linked to the development and promotion of goods and services. The lifestyles assessed may be proscriptive-and much of the research in this area lies in health-or broader changes that reflect the development of society, the economy, and the workplace. Business research generally focuses upon this latter scenario, where the intertwining of cause, effect, and incremental change provides fruitful ground for research. One useful example of this intertwining is the relationship between the availability of processed ready-meals and the lack of availability of time for cooking. Does a lack of time trigger the demand for ready-meals? Or does the availability of ready-meals facilitate broader changes in lifestyle that tend to mitigate against the “ring fencing” of time to devote to cooking?The answer to such questions is unlikely to be simple-and in this example the ongoing development of skills within the consumer group would play a contributing role-but this example illustrates the complexity of cause, effect, and contributing factors within lifestyle research. Lifestyle retailing is an additional important area of study, where the promotion of a “lifestyle package” linked to a brand, a group of products, or a service forms part of the marketing strategy for many companies. The creation of aspirational brands within a consumer economy-be they products or services-is a key driver for many businesses. Typically, however, this builds upon initial market-segmentation work, and successful lifestyle retailing strategies tend to indicate a very well-researched and clearly identified market-segmentation strategy.Building upon this, so-called subcultures of consumption have been a focus for some additional study focusing around ideas and theoretical frameworks from general consumption literature and applying these in a variety of servicescapes. A more recent approach to segmentation, for example, has included Web-based-related lifestyle research, where access, enthusiasm, and propensity to use internet resources formed a key defining a part of an individual or group lifestyle and hence the basis for recent research.
Business Finance and Business Loans Versus Residential Loans
More residential real estate investors are exploring commercial real estate and business loan alternatives as a result of the increasingly chaotic investment environment for residential financing. In these circumstances prospective commercial property owners, business investors and business owners should educate themselves about choices for the business opportunity financing and commercial loan climate that currently prevails throughout the United States.Environmental requirements for business finance will be a complex issue for numerous business investments. Environmental issues involved in a business loan will primarily depend upon the commercial lender as well as the type of business. More extensive requirements can impact both the cost and timing for a commercial mortgage loan.Tax returns and financial statements for a business loan are likely to be a concern for all commercial borrowers. Whereas residential mortgage financing is likely to involve only personal tax returns, most business financing will include a review of business tax returns as well. Business financial statements and personal financial statements will be required for certain kinds of business opportunity financing and commercial real estate financing.Secondary financing will often be a means of acquiring desired commercial loans. The use of seller financing or secondary financing is a prudent business financing strategy to reduce capital requirements for the borrower. Secondary financing will not be accepted by all commercial lenders.An unexpected requirement for many commercial loans involves sourcing and seasoning of funds. When purchasing a business, some lenders will require that borrowers document where the down payment is coming from (sourcing) and how long the funds have been in that location (seasoning). If a borrower cannot adequately provide this documentation, the choice of commercial lenders will be more restricted.Collateral and cross-collateralization for business loans will be an insurmountable obstacle for some commercial borrowers. Collateral requirements for business financing will depend on many factors such as down payment, type of business, credit scores and the type of financing needed. Cross-collateralization refers to lender requirements involving personal collateral such as a home used as collateral for a business loan.Any requirement for a business plan when obtaining commercial mortgages is likely to be expensive and time-consuming. A business plan is not always required for a business loan, but when one is required this will add significantly to the cost and length of the loan process.An increasing problem for commercial borrowers seeking refinancing is an unreasonable limitation for getting cash out of the new loan. Commercial lenders differ significantly regarding restrictions imposed on the amount of cash out to the borrower when refinancing. Some lenders will not permit any cash out whatsoever while others will limit cash received by the borrower to a particular amount. The preferred approach is to use a lender that will allow cash to be paid out up to an agreed loan-to-value (frequently 75%).It is important to to thoroughly analyze business financing lockout penalties. A lockout penalty is much more severe than a prepayment penalty in that such penalties can effectively prevent a commercial borrower from selling or refinancing during a prescribed period (often two to five years).In addition to the issues noted above, numerous other key business finance and real estate mortgage issues will also be important to evaluate. Commercial mortgage requirements are very different from residential financing requirements in the United States. We have prepared several other business finance overviews addressing additional factors that will be significant for most commercial borrowers. Separate report topics include SBA loan refinancing, business opportunity financing, stated income business loans and commercial appraisals.